So it's official. I'm having a baby. On June 14 I took a home pregnancy test in the morning and thought the result was invalid. So took another when I got home and sure enough it was positive. My husband just looked and me and smiled with this child like grin. I could hardly believe it.
We told my parents and my siblings and made a doctors appointment for June 20. I wanted to know how far along I was. I wanted to know what to do and when I could start telling people. Well when the day came I did not get a lot of information. The doctor didn't think I was more then 6-7 weeks along. He wouldn't have even told me I was pregnant if I didn't tell him first. So we scheduled an ultrasound for 6/21 to get a due date.
How amazing is technology these days. I saw my baby move. The nurse measured the baby and told us I was 13 weeks and 2 days along. Double what the doctor thought. I was completely unaware I was pregnant my first trimester. The babies heart beat was fast 154 bpm. We could see it's little hand and it's little feet. It was such an amazing feeling.
The doctor called the next day and wanted to get me into see a specialist as soon as possible since I was much father along then he expected and I am high risk due to my weight. The doctor also informed me I have low iron. I've been thinking of all the things I did during my first trimester that I probably shouldn't have done. I dyed my hair, I have 2 wine coolers, I was around smokers, I ate junk food. But I try to tell myself that people have done worse things and had perfect babies. I'm going to have a perfect baby.
So my next doctors appointment is scheduled for 7/1. Wish me luck.
Good Luck Anna. I am sure everything will be just great. I am so happy for you.