Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 3

When I woke up Monday moring I didn't plan on starting a diet of any kind.  So I guess I"m easing myself into it.  I'm using (annalisa2662) and logging what I eat.  It's making me think about what I eat.  I try to put every little thing that goes in my mouth on there.  This morning I had 2 jelly biscuts.  Well after adding them to my log I realize they were much higher in calories then I thought so next time it's just 1.  I did stock up on some snacks for today.  A yougurt, cereal, and cheese sticks.  I'm going to a baseball game tonight and will be doing some more walking then I usually do.  Cheering burns calories right?  Up, down, up, down, cheer?!?!  I have a friend that lives really close and were were going to walk last night but she hgot home late from running errands.  We were going to do it tonight but I have the game.  One of these days.  She's getting married soon and we both have a baby so we'll be the neighborhood stroller pushers.  Here's to a good day 3.  I think I have everything I need to make it a good day. 

1 comment:

  1. How about no jelly biscuits and instead some oatmeal with a scoop of peanut butter? It will keep you filled longer and higher in protein, no empty calories. :)
