Monday, April 26, 2010

OK Kids

Well my stressful week is over. I'm sure I didn't lose any weight this week. I lost 1 lb last week. I haven't been doing what I should. Mike is home every night now so once the rain is over I'm going to try walking every night again. I did drink some soda too. Shame on me. But I want to do better. It's so hard sometimes. But who am I kidding it's not supposed to be easy. It was easy to get fat it's not going to be easy to lose weight. I was looking at old pictures yesterday and I was so cute. If I could get to were I was 5 years ago I would be happy. I just have to keep moving. Talk to people that encourage me and keep my eye on the prize.

Monday, April 19, 2010


I'm on Blogger Vacation ( I made that up) I'm to busy to type this week.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Not a Good Day

So I'm very stressed with life right now. I have so much going on. I'm so busy with trying to keep the house clean, babysitting, working, working overtime and looking for jobs for Mike. I did walk yesterday. A little further then usual. I'm scared to weigh in. I'm so stressed. I just need some quiet time. I need a vacation. I was going to take off the first week in May but now that Mike doesn't have a job I dont know if I can afford to. Ugh. Not a good day.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Got My Mojo Back

I think I got my MOJO back. I've been thinking a lot this moring. I really need to stay on track. Try try hard. I already feel like I'm letting people down but it felt so good when I lost 4 pounds. I feel good after I walk. I don't know why I cant get motovated anymore. So I have to walk today. I have to. There are no if ands or buts about it. I'M GONNA DO IT!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I so badly need to walk tonight. I've been pretty good with my eating but no so much with exercise. I'm going to try and get back on track I really want this. I'm not going to weigh myself this week I'm afraid it will be bad news. I have been more active after work. Not just comeing home to watch TV so as I always say... something is better then nothing. Mike quit smoking Saturday. He kinda fell off the horse today but hopefully he can get back on soon. So Mike quit smoking and I quit eating bad so were both working on something hard. I think were a god support system for eachother.

I feel so depressed today. I keep fighting tears and my eyes are so heavy.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

To busy to work out

Yesterday I went to my brothers house to help him pack. Well we weren't very organized so I didn't get as much exercise as I wanted to. I picked up Mike and we got home pretty late. By the time dinner was done it was time for bed. So yesterday I only worked out for 5 mins that morning. Tonight I'm having dinner with Tiffany and tomorrow going shopping with Anna. I guess I'll be trying to workout here at work. Something is better then nothing right?