Wednesday, July 6, 2011

7/1 Appointment

The nurses were very nice at the specialist office. They took my height and weight and blood pressure. I was sent in for an ultrasound. I was worried about it because I hear bigger make for painful ultrasounds. The techs usually push harder to try and see more. The baby was still pretty low so by laying down she didn't even have to lift my belly fat. The tech did a bunch of measurments and said baby was looking really good.

I spoke with the doctor soon after. We talked about what risks I had with my weight. Bigger women have bigger babies and bigger babies can't fit through the birth canal. He asked if I was active and I told him I do water aerobics twice a week. I drink a lot of water. He was a little worried about my blood pressure. It always seems to be high when I go to the doctor. I told him I was worried about something going wrong and he told me nothing was going wrong. After talking he hard my blood pressure taken again and it was a little lower. He said I'm border line and they he will be watching it. He ordered a lot of blood test so they could have a base line. So when they test me in the future they will know if things are abnormally high or not.
I did the glucose test on Saturday morning. It wasn't as bad as everyone said it was. But I got a call today saying I scored 133 and I couldn't be over 125. So I have to go in on Friday for a 3 hour glucose test. I have to fast for 12 hours. Drink orange sugar water and have my blood taken every hour for 3 hours. Not how I want to spend my Friday morning but I'm not to worried about passing it.

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