Thursday, July 28, 2011


Ok let's see if I can keep on top of this a little more. So here's what has been happening.

  • I'm feeling ok other then the usual nausea and growing pains.

  • We have a prenatal appointment on 8/7

  • I have to ask for different prenatal pills because mine are $60 for 30 days and I cant afford that.

  • I have an anatomy scan on 8/11 and should be able to find out the gender.

  • People are coming out of the woodworks and asking me how I am. It's nice to be thought about.

  • I'm still doing water aerobics twice a week although I skipped class Monday and slept all evening.

  • I've lost 26 lbs since I got pregnant, 20 of those since June 1.

  • Hubby won't talk to me about baby names - super stressful.

  • I can no longer take nice long baths. It hurts my tail bone. I'm sad that ended so quickly.

  • Hubby brought me flowers at work last week. Very sweet of him. They were "Just Because."

  • I plan on making my own baby food. I'm pretty excited about it.

  • I've been going crazy on tagging things I like.

  • I don't think I will ever find a crib set that I like.

  • I wish I could take a vacation but I need to save my time for maternity leave. Anyone care to donate???

Oh what else. I'm sure there is a ton. But thats what I get for being such a slacker. Does anyone read this anyways?

  • They just said the AC was broken at work. Just knowing that makes me hot.

  • My dad and grandmas made me a corn husk doll the other day.

  • My parents are very excited about the baby.

  • My mom bought me a few new clothes.

  • I think I've felt the baby move but I'm not sure.

  • I'm hungry all the time.

  • I want to buy baby stuff really bad. Can't wait for grage sales.

  • I'm welcoming suggestions of baby names.

  • I get annoyed very easy. Fred and waddle waddle duck are banded from my house.

Ok well that's enough for today. I love who ever reads this. Maybe one day after little one is born I look back at this and see how crazy I was.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your posts. I used to read them daily until you stopped writing now i check it once a month. Lot of Love.

    Yours Truly,
    Mindy :)
