Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Since I told my new friend about my blog I figured I should post.  I haven't had much to say lately but I've been going through a lot of emotions.  I've been sad and mad about who and I am.  I have in my heart and in my mind who I want to be but it's like I'm stuck in quicksand and when ever I try to get out I slip in deeper.  Money has been a big deal for us lately.  With being out of work for my gallbladder and having the kids for the summer we got off track and we are having a hard time getting back on track.  It's expensive to eat healthy.  Some people would disagree with me but when you're the only one dieting in the house it is.  So portion control is what I'm working on.  With the weather getting cooler I hope to start walking and maybe my husband will even join me. 

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